It took the same process as above (all the incremental updates from the original 9.0), and I checked the bookmark behavior with each update. Today, I deleted my Acrobat 9.5.5 installation on this Mac Pro (Yosemite 10.10.5) and reinstalled it from the DVD. Wonder if anyone else also observes this and if they have found a means to fix it.

As a result, a document with more than seven bookmarks will have them run off the bottom of the pane. The bookmark icon is inset from the left side of the pane by an inch, and the bookmarks themselves are spaced quite widely, around 1.5 inch on this full HD monitor. One more issue with Acrobat Pro 9.5.5 and Yosemite: The bookmarks pane does not display bookmarks the same as it did in OS 10.8. I thought a bit more "blow-by-blow" might be useful to someone else who reads this thread. Without the help provided above, this would have been impossible, and I thank you all. Just a few minutes ago, I finished downloading and installing all the incremental updates and had 9.5.5 on this machine, too. I tested Acrobat periodically as I installed the incremental updates, and all was well. However, once I had installed 9.1, it did actually start and asked for my Key. It loaded successfully but would not start, and I could not enter my User Key. With some doubt, I loaded Acrobat from the install disc on this MacPro. My laptop on which I had installed Yosemite as an update had Acrobat 9.0.0 on it, and Acrobat would not start afterwards. This evening, I decided to try the same on Yosemite. When I had loaded 9.3.0, I decided to use the built-in updater, and it said 9.5.5 was available, and did I want to install it? I agreed, and it took perhaps two hours to download (over 2 mbps WiFi) the update which installed itself just fine. Only when I reached around 9.2 did the "Check for Updates" appear in the Acrobat Help Menu. I downloaded several of the incremental updates and started installing them. I have two SSDs in this 2009 MacPro, one with 10.8.5 and the other with 10.10.5, and I decided to start updating the Acrobat installation on 10.8 first. Since I had loaded 9.0.0 from the install disc, there was no "Check for Updates" in the Help menu. First of all, the URL for the FTP site allowed me to find the updates.

The posts above were also very helpful to me.