If you have put any optional field in CA certificate, put them here also.Put server certificate name (for example: Hotspot Server) in Name input field and Common Name input field.The following steps will show how to create Server Certificate in MikroTik RouterOS. Server Certificate will be used by the HTTPS Server. If newly created CA certificate does not show T flag or Trusted property shows no, double click on your CA certificate and click on Trusted checkbox located at the bottom of General tab and then click on Apply and OK button.Īfter creating CA certificate, we will now create Server Certificate that will be signed by the created CA.Click on OK button to close New Certificate window.Your Signed certificate will be created within few seconds. Put MikroTik Router’s LAN Gateway IP address or WAN IP address (example: in CA CRL Host input field.Select your newly created certificate template if it is not selected. Your created CA certificate template will appear in Certificate dropdown menu.Click on Apply button and then click on Sign button.Click on Key Usage tab and uncheck all checkboxes except crl sign and key cert.You will find some optional fields in General tab.Put CA certificate name (for example: CA) in Name input field and Common Name input field.From Winbox, go to System > Certificates menu item and click on Certificates tab and then click on PLUS SIGN (+).The following steps will show how to create a CA certificate in MikroTik RouterOS. MikroTik RouterOS provides a self-signed certificate and self-signed requires a CA (Certification Authority) Certificate to sign Server Certificate. CA (Certification Authority) Certificate and.HTTPS Server requires two types of certificates: So, we will create required HTTPS Server certificate in MikroTik RouterOS. MikroTik RouterOS v6 gives ability to create, store and manage certificates in certificate store.

HTTPS Server requires SSL certificate for secure communication. Step 1: Creating SSL Certificate for HTTPS Server